Friday, January 11, 2013

Top 10 best songs of 2012

I made my top 10 worst list, but now I believe it's time for me to rant about what I believe were the best pop songs of 2012.  But I believe that you can't always rant about subjects you hate, because then you're going to seem as if you're made of nothing but a mass of negativity.  Likewise for talking so much about positive subjects.  There's this perfect balance between discussing negative and positive subjects and I only hope I seem like I find my way into this perfect balance.  Hopefully I'll come off to you as someone who enjoys pop music and likes to discuss music critically and not just hating or loving everything I hear.  I only hope to.  Like I've said before, 2012 wasn't a really good year for pop music.  For every good song, there persisted perhaps 5 that were just dull and one that was unlistenable.  But that still doesn't mean that every song in 2012 was dull.  This list is dedicated to those few that managed to break through the mold and delivered music that was not only interesting, but also an enjoyable experience.  Without any more stalling, here I go counting down what I believe to be the top 10 best songs of 2012, rules from the previous list still apply.

#10. Paradise By: Coldplay Year-End Position: # 69
I've never been that much of a Coldplay fan, and this isn't the best song from their latest album,  Mylo Xyloto.  But this is still a pretty good song.  I know a lot of Coldplay fans either love or hate Mylo Xyloto due to its new sound, but after my first listen through I felt that Coldplay had succeeded in creating a good concept album.  Mylo Xyloto may not be in the same running with 2112 or Tommy, but it still succeeds in what it's trying to do.  That is, to tell a story.  But enough of the album, let's talk about the single, Paradise, or is it called Para-Para-Paradise?  Well, if there's one thing I've noticed about Coldplay is that they seem to be all about the beauty of the world and trying to reach it despite being successful or unsuccessful.  I could be completely wrong, but that's just what I get from Coldplay most of the time.  Usually, it works for them, as in Paradise.  This song perfectly sums up what Mylo Xyloto is for me.  Even if I said that Paradise isn't the best song on the album, it is what got me into finally giving Mylo Xyloto a listen.  Mylo Xyloto has several slow moments, but really brings it together for many satisfying moments.  With Paradise I feel just that, and even though I would prefer Charlie Brown or Every Teardrop is a Waterfall to be on the year-end list, I'm still glad that Paradise was and for that, it earns my #10 spot on this list.

#9. Young, Wild & Free By: Snoop Dogg & Wiz Khalifa feat. Bruno Mars Year-End Position: # 32
I may've put this song on this list just because it excels at just what The Motto fails in.  The Motto is just so boring and stupid to the point where it isn't enjoyable at all for me.  Even though Young, Wild & Free is mainly about partying hard, it's much more than that.  You can be completely against all the sorts of "activities" that Snoop Dogg/Lion and Wiz Khalifa partake in and still enjoy it.  The chorus is just so enjoyably welcoming that even the biggest grump in the world will be caught singing it.  Plus the package comes with perhaps one of the best Bruno Mars performances.  Yeah, I know the piano chords are almost the same throughout the song's entirety, but y'know what?  It's still millions of light years beyond The Lazy Song.  Also, leave it to Wiz Khalifa to completely change my opinions about him because of one song.  I used to think that Wiz Khalifa was just like a huge portion of rappers out there; only really caring about weed.  But after this song he's proved to be so much more.  He likes having fun with weed, which is somehow a rarity among rappers out there.  Bottom line, this song is the kind of fun that's the complete opposite of Flo Rida.  This song is all about having fun and not caring what others think, compared to most party songs which are just shoving the concept of partying hard down the listener's throat without having much enjoyment value.  This song is just an anthem of enjoying life, so what if Snoop and Wiz get drunk and smoke weed?  They're having the time of their life and want to share their fun with the worl!

#8. Gangnam Style By: Psy Year-End Position: # 47
I have absolutely no regrets about this list.  And this past year after the middle of July, it was nearly impossible to miss the magnitude of popularity that was Gangnam Style.  Somehow though, it was only number 47 on this list, which baffled many (including me).  Do I even need to be talking about this song?  It's the most viewed video... ever.  First video to ever have one billion views.  This video has almost as many views as the population of India.  With one of the most entertaining music videos ever, an extremely catchy chorus (even though I do not speak a word of Korean), and top it all off with a fun dance.  Why is it on the list?  Perhaps that it was so strange and yet so amazing that it was a complete thrill when it came on the radio.  We needed a song like Gangnam Style in 2012.  Gangnam style is one of the most fun songs of 2012 that it just baffles me every time I hear and think about it for how it became so popular in 2012, and I just hope that Gangnam Style still is just as popular in 2013 as it was last year.

#7. Ho Hey By: The Lumineers Year-End Position: # 68
Unexpectedly in 2012 we had two folk songs all of a sudden become incredibly popular by new-ish artists.  One of these songs was Ho Hey by The Lumineers, and the other was Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men.  Unfortunately for Of Monsters and Men, Little Talks wasn't on the top 100 this year, otherwise I would've immediately put it as my number 1 pick for the year.  But enough talking about that good stuff, let's talk about this good stuff.  Surprisingly both songs made use of shouting "Hey!" Randomly throughout the song, but Ho Hey is the only one of the two that has "Hey" in its title.  Now I may not be a huge fan of folk music, but Ho Hey is just so good that I don't even know how to describe it.  I just love this song.  I love that it's a meaningful love song that can be sung by entire groups of people, instead of just being a fantasy song or for that matter even a really deep song.  We don't know why the people in question of this song are in love, but we don't need to.  We only really know that these people truly feel for each other, and just by saying that, this song has a special place in my heart.  We don't get too many love songs that are literally just "I love you".  Sometimes that's all we need from a romantic song.  But with Ho Hey, the romance isn't presented in a boring or lifeless way, it's just stated, and sometimes less can be more.  Unfortunately what keeps this song from being any higher on the list is because it is just straight to the point and that it's relatively short.  But The Lumineers know just how long to stay, and I really look forward to hearing from them in the future.

#6. Everybody Talks By: Neon Trees Year-End Position: # 22
Wow is this a good song.  So good that I don't even know where to begin.  The music video is in the style of a 50's diner, and even though this song doesn't really sound like a 50's song, it just sounds like a blast from the past... but only in the present!  I don't know how to describe it, this song just rocks.  With a powerful chorus, sound, and just all around feel to it, no other band in 2012 had as much energy to put out a top 40 hit as did Neon Trees.  This song just surprises me, because I really liked their big 2010 hit, Animal. But I had no idea that I would ever hear from them again.  But on their 3rd album, Picture Show, Neon trees proved their staying power.  What more can I say?  I love this song, I love that a band like Neon trees provides rock songs in the middle of a sea of stupid brainless pop songs, and I love that they've proved that they're here to stay.  Neon Trees, I can't wait till your next release.

#5. Set Fire to the Rain By: Adele Year-End Position: # 12
If I would've made a top 10 best songs of 2011, then I would've put Someone Like You definitely at number 1.  I have the album, 21, and it is just spectacular.  This year we had songs like Stronger and Blow Me One Last Kiss, but I actually think those songs are terrible.  They have absolutely no regards for the person that the singers broke up with, they may as well have been about the singers' favorite show being canceled or them removing a harmful virus off their computer.  But Adele manages to actually provide some humanity into the man she's singing about breaking up with.  What Stronger and Blow Me One Last Kiss prove is that you don't need to provide much detail at all about your ex, all you really need is just a really catchy tune.  Well Set Fire to the Rain isn't really catchy at all; it's more about reflecting and feeling saddened about your loss.  Adele made 21 because she suffered from a break-up (obviously), but unlike other female pop artists of this past year *ahem, Taylor Swift, ahem* she doesn't treat her break-up with disrespect.  With many other break-up songs of the past year, she doesn't act all happy and cheery for her break-up.  If so many pop artists feel that way, then why did they even feel the need to make a song about it if their break-up doesn't phase them at all!?  Also, Set Fire to the Rain doesn't go into the realm of being too dull.  It is perhaps perfectly balanced between the realms of too clingy and too joyous in regards to break-up songs, and it also has some really good music behind it.

#4. Somebody that I used to Know By: Gotye feat. Kimbra Year-End Position: # 1
Wow.  Two years in a row, the number one song of the year was absolutely fantastic.  But this past year, Gotye and Kimbra had one of the best break-up songs of not just the year, but dare I say, all time!  This song provides us with what so many break-up songs don't.  Feelings between both people involved.  Look, no one likes a break-up.  But the way that musicians handle the break-up is huge on how the listening audience perceives them.  Not that every break-up song needs a male/female perspective on the break-up, but like I've said above, many other songs of 2012 that were break-up songs completely failed for me in regards to sounding like an actual break-up.  For all I know, all those break-up songs could be about a relationship that lasted for a week.  But with the absolutely incredible vocals of both Gotye and Kimbra, Somebody that I used to Know sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it.  It's just a mesmerizing masterpiece of majestic masses.  You can take half of what I said for Set Fire to the Rain, so I'll just end talking about this song right here.  It's just an amazing song, but what can top this rightfully number one pick?

#3. So Good By: B.o.B. Year-End Position: # 80
What is this!?  A rap song where the girl in question is treated nicely!? What is this witchcraft!?  Yeah, I may've put this song so high just because it's a song where the rapper genuinely cares about his girlfriend and is willing to treat her well.  Not because he only wants to please her, no, because he wishes to share everything that he loves with her and let her know that she'll enjoy it too.  Instead of a rap song where only one member of a relationship is benefited, both members are treated well.  I've always liked nerds though.  B.o.B. has definitely proven that he is the epitome of nerdom in rap form.  Look at his single Magic, where he spouts more rhymes about magicians than... I really can't think of an accurate comparison.  There are too many rappers out there who are nerds and B.o.B. stands so apart from most rappers just because he's an interesting guy.  With So Good he has strayed away from magicians.  Now he's all about art, European and Renaissance high-class-painting-style-art.  Instead of attracting a female with money and fame and bragging about his sexual experiences, he's trying to whoo her over with his love for art.  That's just fantastic.  Now if only he can make songs like this instead of Bet I or Both of Us.

#2. It's Time By: Imagine Dragons Year-End Position: # 91
It's time for a change.  It's time we have pop artists like Imagine Dragons.  It's Time is a choir of angels descending from the heavens and giving each of us musical enlightenment.  In 2012 we had a lot of new artists/breakthroughs.  One Direction, The Lumineers, Phillip Phillips, Psy, Of Monsters and Men, and the list goes on.  Not all of the artists that had breakthroughs were good, some were even terrible, but I believe that there was an equal balance of good and bad breakthroughs this past year.  One of the biggest examples of a good breakthrough is Imagine Dragons (that's one incredible name) and with their single It's Time, they completely wash away all the crap of 2012 with each listen.  This is just an amazing song from the powerful vocals, memorable chorus, and just all around good music.  There's just so much about this song that's so great that I can't explain it in words.  Bottom Line is, it's outstanding and I want to give the members of Imagine Dragons a hug.

And the #1 BEST Song of the year goes to...

Call Me Maybe By: Carly Rae Jepsen Year-End Position: # 2
Yeah... I'm just kidding

The REAL # 1 BEST Song of the year goes to...

Some Nights By: fun. Year-End Position: # 14
I have a love/hate relationship with We Are Young.  To be honest, I used to hate it, and then it started to grow on me, but it simply didn't make this list.  But oh my have I never heard a song like Some Nights.  I remember first hearing the song back in the end of July and I didn't know what to think of it at first.  But it slowly grew on me, and now every time I hear it I immediately burst out singing with the vocals during any part of the song.  It's a song about a man on a journey far from home looking up at the sky and wondering how some nights he could be back home but he must Carry On and persist to find his destination.  You can interpret this being fun.'s version of a man gaining fame for the first time and not knowing what to do with it.  This song just acts on so many levels that it's unbelievably meaningful to anyone for almost any occasion.  It's an extremely catchy and powerful song that will bring everyone together in this incredible anthem for everything you've accomplished before and the dangerous roads of the future.  It's absolutely amazing, I love it, and I don't know how to do it justice in just a short written review.  Oh yeah, that auto tune breakdown is really stupid, but it is really short, and I'm sure most of us can ignore it.  This is the song the people play while going to war, conquering all foes and looking back on what life is like outside of the proverbial battleground.  Thank you, fun. for restoring all of my faith in pop music and making me completely forget about the worst songs of the year.  Thank you, fun.

Other songs that didn't make the list that I would've liked to put on include: Take a Little Ride, Ni**as in Paris, Rumour Has It, Domino (Yeah, I said it) and Springsteen.  Unfortunately Tongue Tied by Group Love and Little Talks didn't make the top 100 of the year, because if they did, I would've put them both on the list, and I would've put Little Talks at number 1.  But Some Nights is rightfully deserving of my number 1 pick.  All in all, 2012 had mostly dull music, but there were quite a few songs that surpassed expectations.

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