Monday, February 3, 2014

Top 15 Best Hit Songs of 2013

  Finally, I count down my picks for the top 15 best hist songs of 2013.  Just like my other year end lists, the same rules apply.  Only songs that ended on the year end 100 and did not appear on my previous lists are eligible for this list.  But, I decided to make this a top 15, rather than a top 10, because I find it much more enjoyable to make a list where I constantly write about and listen to good songs.  And, I felt that 15 felt more appropriate, because most of the songs on this list aren't just good songs, they're great songs.  2013 was a pretty loopy year for pop music, but in the end I enjoyed this past year more than 2012.  It's just that 2012 was so confused and didn't have too much of an identity.  When historians look back on the 10's decade, 2012 will probably be the odd one out.  2013, on the other hand, definitely had an identity.  Most of the big songs this year were definitive big songs.  Even the bad ones had an identity that set them apart from the rest.  Of course, like any year of pop music, there will still be a lot of crap.  But I enjoy focusing on what I enjoyed more so than the songs that I hated.  So, here are my picks for the top 15 best songs of 2013!

#15.  Clarity  By: Zedd feat. Foxes  Year End Position # 24

  I feel like I may've been a bit too harsh on EDM in my Worst List.  But I wanna make something clear, there were EDM hits in 2013 that I liked.  This being just one of them (yes, there will be others to come).  Now, my distaste for most EDM in recent years is mainly because it just doesn't work.  If you're going to have a dance song, then have a dance song.  If you're going to have a break-up song, then have a break-up song.  Why would you wanna combine both?  But, Clarity excels where most fail.  In all accounts, I should hate this song.  It's definitely over-produced, Foxes' voice never lets down constantly throughout the song, and it was of course one of the most overplayed songs of the year.  Clairty, instead, is more of a hidden gem in the EDM world.  Yes, it comes off as something I should despise, but Zedd and Foxes hit all of the right places in this song.  Zedd's production is amazing, and the added vocals to the chorus really make this a beautiful song.  The beat isn't as blaring and obnoxious as Sweet Nothing or anything Mike Will Made It has ever made.  In fact, this was one of my favorite hooks of 2013.  Foxes also has a beautiful voice, and I'm not saying many other EDM singers aren't great vocalists, I'm just saying that Foxes works well with the song.  This is one of the only feat. artists in the EDM genre that doesn't seem completely phoned in.  Like, when Foxes and the backing vocals are wailing, you feel every emotion you can possible feel.  The only reason that this wasn't higher on the list was because it's hard to understand exactly what pain Foxes is going through.  If the other person in question is truly a piece of her, and they are her clarity and her remedy, then why is she so upset?  Maybe Foxes is the one who's not the other person's clarity or remedy, and this is being reflected back on her feelings.  Kind've confusing I'll be honest.  If Clarity was only more clear to its meaning, then this would be the remedy to EDM.  However, it's still a great song, and I'll get to even better EDM songs later.

#14.  Treasure  By: Bruno Mars  Year End Position # 30

  I am now a Bruno Mars fan.  If you would've asked me back in 2012 what I thought of the man, I probably would've ranted angrily for about 30 minutes.  Until Unorthodox Jukebox, his second album, came out and my opinion became the polar opposite.  It was apparent that I completely underestimated the man.  Sure, he can make sappy ballad after sappy ballad, but Treasure is what he can make when he honestly tries.  And try he did.  I mean, I love just about everything that this song presents.  It's so funky, so sexy, and the music video is just awesome.  Dare I say, one of the best music videos of 2013?  And, what other song would start out with "Baby squirrel, you's a sexy motherfucker"?  I just adore this song.  I love everything about it.  I love how cheesy it takes itself; Bruno Mars would be a lot better of an artist from his first album if he didn't take himself too seriously.  I mean, this is one of the songs that you know will be overplayed on your parent's radio station, but you will be delighted to hear every time.  I look forward to listening to Treasure in between the Everything I do I do it for you's, the Payphone's, and especially the Just The Way You Are's on the light stations.  Bruno Mars had to try hard to make himself a renowned likeable artist, and Treasure was the right step he needed.  Will Bruno Mars make anything better than Treasure?  Well, you'll have to wait and see.

#13.  Best Song Ever  By: One Direction  Year End Position # 74

  I don't know what I'd call this.  I don't know if I should call Best Song Ever a guilty pleasure or an actual good song.  Well, for one, I've never liked One Direction as soon as I first heard them.  To me, they've come off as a boy band and nothing else.  They've never done anything remarkable to differentiate themselves from any other boy band in history.  Now, I'm not a big fan of boy bands, but even artists I don't usually care for can of course release a good song.  Best Song Ever comes off suprisingly enough as the best song that One Direction could ever make.  Everything about this works, not just as a good pop song, but a good song in general.  First, open by directly sampling one of the most famous rock songs of all time, Baba O'reiley by The Who.  Now, if you're going to sample a well-loved song that is no doubt going to cause a lot of controversy, it would be a good idea to sample a really good song from a really good band.  And controversy it did cause.  Pete Townshend was even asked how he felt about Best Song Ever, to which he described that the like the song and liked One Direction.  I'm not even kidding, look it up if you don't believe me.  Second, this a song about not getting the girl and possibly never seeing her ever again.  And this is coming from a boy band.  Just think about that for a second, One Direction making a big hit song about not getting to score.  Finally, it's just a fun song.  If you're going to make a song about having a great stupid night that ended in a stupid situation, then you might as well make an absurdly stupid and fantastic pop song that everyone, especially one of the biggest rock icons of all time, will find enjoyable.  Hopefully One Direction's next big hits will follow Best Song Ever and not their other hits...

#12.  Die Young  By: Ke$ha  Year End Position # 57

  Now, this isn't the firs time that Die Young appeared on my blog.  My first album review was Warrior by Ke$ha, so I've already talked about this song quite a bit.  Now, rather than state my opinions twice, did you know that apparently a lot of people thought that this song sounds too similar to Good Feeling by Flo Rida?  Now, if you read my worst list of 2012, then you'll know how I feel about Good Feeling.  Honestly, I don't see too much of a similarity, but then again, I much prefer a very well written and produced dance jam than Good Feeling.  But, if I like this song so much, then why didn't I put it on last year's list?  Well, just like how Die Young is only number 12 for 2013, Die Young just didn't make my top 10 cut, and honestly this felt like a song more for 2013 to me.  Perhaps that it was released in late 2012 that it resonated more with me in 2013.  But anyway, Die Young is still just as good as it always has been, and I knew that it was going to be on this year's Best List.

#11.  Suit & Tie  By: Justin Timberlake feat. Jay-Z  Year End Position # 20

  You hear that sound immediatley when the video ends?  That's the sound of ovaries exploding.  Which, I'm pretty sure is the side effect this song has on people.  Look, I'm a man, but I have a huge celebrity crush on Justin Timberlake.  The man is just so suave he can make brushing his teeth look like it belongs in a glamour magazine.  I, like most people, was pleasantly surprised when Justin Timberlake announced that he would finally be coming back full-swing in 2013 with not just 1, but 2 albums.  Not only that, he also made plans to go on tour with Jay-Z, one of the biggest names in hip-hop for the past forever.  I mean, what's not to love about a combination of one of the most stylish and smooth men in the world?  Of course they also made Holy Grail, which honestly is a big guilty pleasure of mine.  But, Suit & Tie is a hit that I can love without any feelings of guilt or remorse.  Justin Timberlake is a living god of pop music, and Jay-Z is the Zeus of rap, minus the epic beard and impregnating everything in his path.  But I'm pretty sure that Jay-Z has the power of lightning.  That wouldn't surprise me at all.  What else is there to say about a song that's so stylish and so sexy?  And yet, this was only my 11th best pick of the year.  So, from here on out, these are my official top 10 picks.

  I'll take a quick break from the countdown to humiliate myself.  Here's a list of some guilty pleasures of mine from 2013.

Runnin' Outta Moonlight By: Randy Houser
  I like this song simply because it's a light "bro-country" song.  What I mean is that it comes off like a "bro-country" song, but without all the pain that Florida Georgia Line bring to the table.  Like, Randy Houser makes such a good case for wanting to have a good time, and runnin' outta moonlight is a clever way to recognize your mortality.

Downtown By: Lady Antebellum
  I appreciate this song for being an actual country song.

Troublemaker By: Olly Murs feat. Flo Rida
  People gave so much crap to Robin Thicke for being a "wannabe Timberlake" and this guy who nobody's ever heard of (Olly Murs) gets a free pass?  It's still a fun song though, even if Flo Rida doesn't add anything to it.  He also doesn't take away anything from Troublemaker either.

The Fox By: Ylvis
  This song is fucking hilarious.

Crash My Party By: Luke Bryan
  Oh, who's this guy?  The very same one who ended up with the worst song of 2013?  Yeah, I don't hate Luke Bryan like I don't hate Maroon 5, and his other hit this past year I found rather enjoyable.

I Cry By: Flo Rida
  Look, I don't hate Flo Rida either.  I find him rather harmless.  Plus, if this is the only song he ever releases that I like, than I'm fine with that.

Boys' Round Here By: Blake Shelton feat. Pistol Annies
  This song is so blunt it's hilarious.  It's also everything that accidental racist should be.

Heart Attack By: Demi Lovato
  The main reason I like this song is because it's fun to sing along to... Even if I did listen to it about 100 times it's still just a guilty pleasure!

Holy Grail By: Jay-Z feat. Justin Timberlake
  It's the one of the few songs from Magna Carta Holy Grail that I liked, and I find the theme of fear from falling from your current status much more appreciative than bragging about your material worth.  Justin's got a great voice, and Jay-Z's a good rapper; coupled with a great beat I'm sold.  But if you hate this song, then I don't blame you.

Harlem Shake By: Baauer
  I find it funny, ok?  Get off my case.

And now to continue the list...

#10.  Berzerk  By: Eminem  Year End Position # 67

  Aww yiss!  Slim Shady's back.  In this bold return to the pop scene, Eminem presents himself at his finest.  Bold, powerful, and most importantly, interesting.  Seriously, I, like most of Eminem's fans, hailed one of his biggest singles of the year as a godsend.  This song was released around the time when Katy Perry's Roar was boring up the charts and when Miley Cyrus rode naked on a giant wrecking ball.  Of course, Berzerk wasn't the only song to break up that shitstorm of mediocrity, but I'll get to the other saving grace of fall/winter 2013 later.  And for most Eminem fans, like myself, Berzerk was easy to love.  First, it's a rage-fueled party jam.  Look, Luke Bryan, this is how you do it.  If you want someone to party, then make them party!  Also, Berzerk is a perfect showcase of how awesome Rick Rubin is as a producer.  Berzerk samples The Stroke, by Billy Squire, another classic rock song that made itself relevant in pop music in 2013.  Berzerk also is obviously an homage to the Beastie Boys.  I mean come on, this sounds exactly like something that the Beastie Boys could make.  But hey, I'm glad that somebody made Berzerk, and that somebody happened to be Eminem.  In a year where many artists had big comebacks, Eminem had the most forceful one.  I mean, this song almost came out of nowhere and blasted us all with its awesomeness.  Man, if only the rest of Eminem's songs from his new album could be this good (looking at you the Monster).  Eminem wanted us to go Berzerk, and we did for this song.

#9.  The Way  By: Ariana Grande feat. Mac Miller  Year End Position # 31

  I adore this song.  I don't just love it, I wanna cuddle with this song and read it bedtime stories.  Ok, that might be a bit creepy, but that's how much I love The Way.  Ariana Grande is so much better than Selena Gomez, or Miley Cyrus, or most every other teen pop icon.  Maybe it's that Nickelodeon can provide better quality shows and singers than Disney can.  Also, there's Mac Miller, who was this year's unsung rapper.  Mac Miller just had to have his big hit in a year when he was the 3rd biggest white rapper, behind Eminem and someone else whom I'll get to later.  But, The Way excels in more areas than just who the artists are.  Let's take a look at Come and Get It, the year's other big teen icon hit song by an actual teen.  Come and Get It is annoying, unnatractive, and doesn't even really have much of a message (but I've already ranted enough about it).  The Way is smooth and sexy, just like Suit & Tie was.  Make no mistake here, Ariana Grande and Mac Miller aren't just singing about being in love.  Sure, The Way presents itself idealy as a song about two people who are so deeply in love with each other that they are at a complete loss for words.  But this is a song marketed for younger audiences but for adults.  Like, you've got two hip young people who are making a love song, right?  Kind've.  In reality this is equally for an older and mature audience as it is for kids.  It's the love jam for everyone to enjoy.  Just listen to the lyrics, obviously it's not only about being in love but also being ready to get your freak on with your loved one.  This isn't just a love song, and this certainly isn't a sex song, it's a making love song.  Not so much in the act of making love, but the fact that it is presented as two people throwing themselves at one another because they're so much interested in each other.  It's such a beautiful song that I highly doubt anyone disliked it.  Please Ariana Grande, have a larger impact on our music than Miley Cyrus did last year.  PLEASE, for the sake of everyone's ears, we need more music this good!  You do a fine job too, Mac Miller.  The Way is such a damn good song, and it rightfully deserves its spot on the list.

#8.  Swimming Pools (Drank)  By: Kendrick Lamar  Year End Position # 79

  We've got enough rap songs about alcohol, but how many rap songs do we have that are about alcoholism (drank).  If you couldn't tell, that's what Swimming Pools is about.  Yes, I know Kendrick Lamar's "Swimming Pools" refer to swimming pools full of alcohol, not water.  But Swimming Pools (Drank) isn't about drowning yourself in alcohol because you want to, it's a song about the fear and pressure others make you feel to drown yourself in alcohol.  It's also somewhat a narrative, as Kendrick Lamar battles with his own subconscious.  Everyone around you, including yourself, and everyone you've ever known is pressuring you to (drank).  In the end, Kendrick himself gives in to the pressure as the song goes.  What works well about Swimming Pools (drank) is also what makes it fall short.  Y'see, the amount of times that (drank) is repeated in this song makes it come off as your average drinking song.  I'm pretty sure quite a few people made their own swimming pools full of alcohol in response to this song's popularity.  But hey, if you don't like the whole premise of Swimming Pools (drank) then that's fine to.  Artists like Drake and Lil Wayne had their big rap hits of 2013 with some of the worst artists and the worst beats ever.  Kendrick Lamar, on the other hand, only needed an incredible beat and he can handle the rest themselves (drank).  I may've said in the past that only Daft Punk should be allowed to make music with repetitive lyrics, but Kendrick Lamar has the skills and the flow to back himself up (drank).  Swimming Pools (drank) a song so good, it makes you celebrate in all the wrong ways.

#7.  Radioactive  By: Imagine Dragons  Year End Position # 3

  You know what this song is about?  Death, war, destruction, violence, horror, terror, the apocalypse, revolution, defeating your enemies, shock, brutality, onslaughts, attacks, everything falling apart before your eyes, all things coming to waste and you rising above the ashes of a destroyed world and surging in power.  This is a song about power above all else and becoming something new.  And you know what?  This is the # 3 song of the year.  This was played more often than Katy Perry, or Florida Georgia Line, or Bruno Mars, or Justin Timberlake, or almost any other artist!  How does this even become popular?  Well for one, it's a fantastic song.  If there was ever a song to be played in every single trailer for shit blowing up or something epic happening, then it was this song.  This sounds just like a battle cry; Radioactive makes you feel radioactive.  Treasure may be a treasure, Roar may be a boar, Cruise may be anything but, but Radioactive doesn't only feel radioactive, it feels so much more than that.  I'm in so much shock and awe that this became as popular as it was.  And in fact, it's still charting!  At the time of this list, Radioactive is currently the second longest charting song on the hot 100 at 74 weeks and counting.  I don't only love Radioactive for its concept and some facts behind it, I love Radioactive because it's a damn good song.  Imagine Dragons were known as a decent indie rock band back in 2012.  2013 set them as the biggest band in the world.  I honestly wouldn't be surprised if in 50 years they were one of the most recognizable music acts of all time.  I'm not joking, they've picked up enough fame and I feel they can only get more popular from here on out.  Hopefully their second album will be even better than Night Visions.  Imagine Dragons feel it in their bones, and I feel it in my ears.

#6.  Locked Out of Heaven  By:  Bruno Mars  Year End Position # 11

  Marry me, Bruno Mars.  In 2013, my opinion of Bruno Mars changed so much.  I used to despise the man after hearing The Lazy Song, but eventually he kept growing on me.  Last year I put Young, Wild, and Free on the best list, on which he was a featured artist.  Then this year; boom.  He had 2 number one hits, this being one of them, that were really decent, and his 2nd album was fantastic.  Usually the song that is number one between 2 years is either something that Rihanna's on or something that's really boring (like something Rihanna would be on).  But, the people of America decided that in 2013, we should begin the year with one of the sexiest and funkiest songs in recent years.  Locked Out of Heaven is amazing on all levels.  It also has a lot of resemblance with another song that's on this list, One Direction's Best Song Ever.  Both are mega hits about cock-blocking.  One Direction has a huge hit about not getting to score and Bruno Mars has a huge hit of not getting to score as well.  There's something charming about when men who can easily come off as douchebags don't get laid.  But even more charming when they treat it like it's the end of the world for them.  One Direction get to spend a wild night with all of their clothes on with a girl, and they treat it like it's their greatest night ever.  Bruno Mars doesn't get laid and it locks him out of heaven.  I don't think I need to explain what shutting the gates of heaven mean here,  I think that speaks volumes for itself.  Of course, Best Song Ever isn't the only thing that Locked Out of Heaven's similar to.  Many, many people have criticized the song for sounding too similar to the police.  But, y'know what?  So what?  It's just like Best Song Ever how it was criticized for sounding too much like Baba O'Riley.  What's the problem with a song sampling or sounding like great music?  Doesn't that make the music better if you already like what they sampled?  In fact, people who complain about Best Song Ever sounding too much like The Who or Locked Out of Heaven for sounding too much like the Police shouldn't even be complaining if they like the Who or the Police.  But I digress, Locked Out of Heaven is such a damn fantastic song, and I want Bruno Mars' shirt.

#5.  Thrift Shop  By: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz  Year End Position # 1

  Back when I reviewed The Heist, all I said about Thrift Shop was that I loved it and I will definitely be talking about it in the future.  Now, what I meant to do was have a comparison post between Thrift Shop and Macklemore's other big hit, but I never got to that.  So, instead I'm going to vent all of my thoughts of this song here instead.  But, when I said that I love Thrift Shop, I was actually lying.  I don't love Thrift Shop, I NEEDED IT.  We all needed Thrift Shop.  My love for this song was much more than anything I could explain.  Thrift Shop was the song that we needed for this year.  And to see Thrift Shop becoming the biggest song of the year is just mind-blowing.  This year, our biggest song wasn't Blurred Lines or Roar by Katy Perry or anything Rihanna made.  No, it was Thrift Shop, and it deserved all of its fame.  We have one of the most fun and enjoyable (and catchy) songs ever made that's about spending as little money as possible on clothes and denouncing designer outfits just for the brand name.  I, like most people, was tired of rappers showing off their Reeboks, or their Michael Kors, or their Tom Ford, or their freshly skinned prime Walrus fur, or whatever it is they're showing off.  Macklemore comes in seemingly out of nowhere (unless you're probably from Seattle) and makes a hit rap song of buying sheets for 99 cents and only having 20 bucks to spend, and this becomes the biggest song of the year!?  Brilliant!  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis are the people's artists.  They became famous not only because people wanted to buy their songs, but because people love them.  They are the defining breakthrough artists of this decade.  Not Ke$ha, not Adele, not Gotye, or fun. or Bruno Mars, or any one of those people!  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis will probably be around for a long time, and I cannot wait for their second album, whenever that comes.  2013 was the year that people recognized cliches of the past were old and tired and demanded something new.  Kanye West's song, New Slaves, from his latest album, Yeezus, also has a similar message to Thrift Shop.  But, New Slaves wasn't high charting and didn't have the forcible catchy nature that Thrift Shop perfected so flawlessly.  And, for those people who think that this song is awful, why?  How often in rap music do we have a song this much fun with a sax that saxual and a featured artist that smooth that becomes as big as this song?  The last rap song to be the year end number 1 was Boom Boom Pow, if you even want to call that rap.  And Boom Boom Pow is exactly what Thrift Shop is against.  People who hate this song don't realize the whole appeal of it.  It's FUN.  Anybody can take social issues like materialism and wealth being shoved in other's faces and make it into some ballad or something boring.  But, Ryan Lewis is a fantastic producer, and Macklemore is a fantastic rapper and their chemistry, along with Wanz, make this song so enjoyable.  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis aren't just good artists who made a good song, they're enjoyable, and there weren't too many hit songs in 2013 that were as enjoyable as Thrift Shop was.  And that's not all, because this is the first number 1 song in decades that was from an independently released label.  That's just incredible.  I remember reading this one story where a woman beat up her boyfriend because he sang Thrift Shop 25 times in a row.  That goes to show just how catchy Thrift Shop really is.  I hope that Thrift Shop lays down the law of pop music's future, and for one artist and one huge song in particular, that is already true.

#4.  Get Lucky  By:  Daft Punk feat. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers  Year End Position # 14

  Now, I want to make something clear.  I'm having a really hard time deciding on if Get Lucky and my number 3 song should switch placements.  Their both similar in ways, and I'm having a really hard time deciding between the two, so I'll unofficially consider my number 4 and 3 picks two 3.5 picks instead.  But, wow, 14th biggest song of the year!?  Best surprise ever.  Not just Get Lucky, but everything Daft Punk were in 2013.  Daft Punk has been one of my favorite groups ever since I first heard them.  And in 2013, they suddenly announced that they were making a fourth album, which ended up becoming perhaps their best yet.  My love for Daft Punk can't even be put in words.  I'd probably put them up in my top 3 favorite artists of all time.  And the thing about Get Lucky is that it isn't even the best song on the album!  I already talked in depth about Random Access Memories and Get Lucky and how great they are.  I can only hope that the wait for Daft Punk's 5th album won't be another 8 years, but I don't know if they'll ever have as great as a year 2013 was for them for a while.  Daft Punk have been around for a while, but they never had that one big hit.  Sure, they were popular.  They stole the show in Tron Legacy, and have had a huge following for years now.  But, 2013 broke them through the mainstream, as everyone knew about the two French robots.  Everything about Get Lucky thrills me.  I love Pharrell Williams, he's a man who can do no wrong.  I love Nile Rodgers and how awesome his guitar work is here, and most importantly, I fucking love Daft Punk.  Them getting to have a song that was number 2 for 5 straight weeks and winning every single Grammy that they were nominated for is perhaps the greatest event to happen in music since Gotye's Somebody that I Used to Know became the biggest song of 2012.  I can only hope that Daft Punk become bigger and bigger and bigger until they're the biggest artists in the world.  I just hope that someday, maybe someday soon, the duo will once again Get Lucky.

#3.  Safe and Sound  By: Capital Cities  Year End Position # 29

  Like I said, choosing between this and Get Lucky was a painful decision.  They're both dance hits that you can dance to, and they're both from artists that I really like.  I put Zedd on this list, but the other big song that he released in 2013, Stay The Night, I couldn't stand.  Safe and Sound may be the only big hit that they had from their album, but I highly recommend giving it a listen to, at least once.  I feel that my review of In A Tidal Wave of Mystery may be one of the few positive reviews that that album received.  But, I'm not here to talk about how great that album was, I'm here to talk about how great Safe and Sound is.  And greatness it achieves.  What is there for me to say about Safe and Sound?  I not only talked about it on my album review, but there's not too much to talk about how awesome it is.  It's simply good music, through and through.  Both Safe and Sound and Get Lucky leave me with a sense of amazement and leave me speechless.  But, that's also because there's not too much to say.  I could say how great this hook is, the trumpets, how much I want to dance, how true the message is, or how awesome Sebu Simonian's beard is.  But, instead, I'll make this short, sweet, and to the point.  Safe and Sound is an amazing song with 2 great vocalists, an awesome trumpet, and a great message of not worrying about our doom and just having fun with life.  This was my favorite EDM song of the year, and it made EDM EDM, not EBM. I know that Capital Cities will be Safe and Sound in the future, and I hope it's a bright future for them.

#2.  Royals  By: Lorde  Year End Position # 15

  Yeah, Thrift Shop wasn't the only number 1 song that denounced cliches of the past.  From here on out, my top 2 songs are both number 1 hits of 2013, and they deserved to be so.  The number 1 songs of 2013 were all unique, as I've said before.  Not too many were your standard "pop music" of years past.  And here we have a song from a girl who was 16 when her debut single went straight to number 1 for 9 consecutive weeks, becoming the second longest number one song of 2013.  And this is another song about being fed up with artists bragging about their fame and material worth and deciding to do something about it!  And for Royals to be number 1 for that long is an anomaly in the charts.  There's something charming about a song that's so catchy and yet anti-musical.  Royals isn't supposed to be something that ruled the airplays, and yet it did for so long.  And during that time, the song held off Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, and even Eminem for so long that she became a huge pop icon.  Thrift Shop may be a good example of what sounds like a one hit wonder, but Royals is your anti-one hit wonder.  It's pretty much anti-pop and anti-catchy.  This is a song that someone sings in one of the old school bars that you see in movies all the time.  It's grim, it's dark, and it's truthful.  Most of us won't be royals, so why do we praise those who are?  And in a year where we had Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez and especially Miley Cyrus fogging up our radio, Lorde and Ariana Grande prove that not all child stars make horrible music.  Also, I can't recommend her album that this is from, Pure Heroine, enough.  Seriously, listen to it, it's one of the best albums of last year.  And since we're talking about the song, let me take a moment to explain that this is NOT FUCKING RACIST.  Saying that Royals applies only to rap music and saying that rap music applies only to black people is racist in itself.  Also, Lorde herself loves rap music.  She loves Kanye West especially, and this is in no way shape or form a song that denounces rap music!  Macklemore already did that with Same Love, so there you go (which is still not racist).  Plus, in all ways, this is pretty much a rap song in disguise.  In fact, I've heard this song more on the rap stations than the alternative stations where it was number 1 in that genre for several weeks.  However, when I hear it on the rap stations, there's a stupid Rick Ross verse which really goes against the song's message and breaks up the flow of Royals a lot.  But he's only in it for like half a minute, and then the station plays the rest of the song!  But after all this, Royals isn't likable only because of what it presents.  It's such a likable song, even though that's probably going against what the song represents.  Lorde ruled the pop scene for months, and she's still making her way up the charts with her second hit, Team, now in the top 10.  Lorde, our Queen B, and our savior from cliches of the past.

  And Now, before I get to my number 1 pick, here's some hit songs that were great, but just missed the top 15.  Honorable Mentions:

Carry On  By: fun.
  fun.'s a great band, and I like them together way more than I like it when Nate Ruess is on other people's songs.  Carry On was too much of 2012's hit for me to put it on this list even though Die Young was on 2012's year end hot 100 and Carry On wasn't.  Oh well.

Little Talks  By: Of Monsters and Men
  WHAT'S THIS!?  You said that this would be the number 1 song of 2012 on that year's best of list.  This is the most beautiful song that I've ever heard, it sends chills down my spine every time I hear it.  It resonates with you and you feel every lyric!  Yeah... I knew that Little Talks wouldn't make the list, because honestly it's in a way so good it's bad.  It's a lot like Same Love to me.  It's a great song.  Damn great song.  But, it's not necessarily something that I enjoy.  I wouldn't listen to Little Talks or Same Love on repeat.  Look, Little Talks is a great song, but there's a lot of factors that cause songs to be on my worst and best list, and Little Talks just didn't make the best list.  It's still a beautiful song, though.  On a side not, this has to be the coolest music video I've ever seen.

Counting Stars  By: One Republic
  I've never liked One Republic until Counting Stars.  But, this song is obviously a 2014 hit, so we'll wait and see how it fairs in this year.

Wagon Wheel  By: Darius Rucker
  I wanted to put this song on the list for being an actual country song.  Also, Darius Rucker's a really good country artist and is a lot better of a singer than the guy from Old Crow Medicine Show.  It just so happens that the best country song of 2013 was a cover of a song from not too long ago.

Power Trip  By:  J. Cole feat. Miguel
  This was released on Valentine's Day and is about a man fantasizing about killing this beautiful woman's husband/boyfriend and then taking her for his own... Dark.

Same Love  By: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert
  Like I said with Little Talks.  It's a great song with a great message, but it isn't something that I would listen to more than a few times.

F**kin' Problems  By: A$ap Rocky feat. Drake, 2 Chainz & Kendrick Lamar
  Y'see, These guys like to fuck.  In fact, they like it so much it's become their fucking problem.  That's just genius.  But honestly, if this song was from Kendrick Lamar and didn't have Drake, I would've probably put it on the list.  It's also the only song I've ever liked by A$ap Rocky, so I'm glad that it was this one that got popular.

Applause  By: Lady Gaga
  If Do What U Want ended up on the hot 100 I would've put it pretty high up.  Applause was probably the weakest of Lady Gaga's lead album singles, but it's still really enjoyable.

Sail  By: Awolnation
  How did this song even get popular in the first place?  It's been charting for years, and is about being abducted by aliens.  Aside from that, it's decent in its own really unique ways.  But, wasn't enjoyable enough to make it on the list.

Wake Me Up!  By: Avicii
  The fact that Wake Me Up! became as popular as it was and not Levels by Avicii makes me really mad.  I love Levels, but I also really like Wake Me Up!  The only problem was how overplayed Wake Me Up! really was.  But even if it wasn't overplayed, it probably wouldn't of made it on this list.

Mirrors  By: Justin Timberlake
  I really wanted to put this on the list, and I've already reviewed it.  It's such a romantic song and it's orchestrated beautifully.  I just happen to like Suit & Tie more, and Mirrors was eventually snubbed off of my list.

Blurred Lines  By:  Robin Thicke feat. T.I. & Pharrell Williams
  Yes this song was overplayed as hell.  Yes this song was controversial.  Yes I don't think I'll gain any appreciation for putting this as an honorable mention.  But, god dammit, I still love this song.  But, I don't think it should've been number 1 for 12 weeks straight.

And the # 1 BEST song of the year goes to...

Wrecking Ball  By: Miley Cyrus  Year End Position # 18

Yeah, I'm just kidding...

The REAL #1 BEST Song of the year goes to...

Can't Hold Us  By:  Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton Year End Position # 5

  This is the greatest song of the year by far.  This had to be the biggest deal of a song compared to all others.  Miley Cyrus riding on a wrecking ball naked, Robin Thicke and company dancing in front of a bland wall, Lorde staring into the camera, all of those cannot compare to the biggest cultural revolution of the year.  Same Love may've been a big cultural hit, but none were as big as Macklemore & Ryan Lewis' magnum opus.  This song just astounds me.  Thrift Shop should've prevented Macklemore & Ryan Lewis from ever having a hit again.  But, it was from sheer force of good fucking music that Macklemore & Ryan Lewis triumphed over all of the rest.  This was number 1 for 5 weeks, but I wouldn't mind if it would've been number 1 for 50 weeks.  This is just a perfect song.  All the way through, it pumps you up.  The same piano chords may be repeated throughout the whole song, but the duo keep building up on it.  Trumpets, drums, and just about everything else are brought into the fray.  This is by far the best work Ryan Lewis has ever presented, and I don't know if he'll ever be able to outdo himself.  Plus, there's Macklemore, who makes his claim as being the hottest rapper in the world. it wasn't Eminem, or Lil Wayne, or 2 Chainz who became the rappers of 2013.  It was Macklemore who became the definitive rapper of not just 2013, but perhaps the 2010's.  At the end of the year, Billboard also made their 100 biggest artists of the year list, and the winner was Bruno Mars.  Now, I enjoy me some Bruno Mars, but make no mistake, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis dominated the year.  No other act last year was as important as those two, and Can't Hold Us is a testament to their prowess.  Not only that, but Ray Dalton is a fantastic singer too.  Everything about Can't Hold Us is amazing, and it easily earns my number 1 spot.

  2013 was an unusual year for music.  But, there were still some great songs.  But there were also a bunch of great albums.  Join me next time when I count down my top 10 favorite albums.

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