Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Justin Timberlake Album Review: The 20/20 Experience

  With his first album since 2006, Justin Timberlake presents his newest album, The 20/20 Experience.  After becoming successful worldwide as a singer, Justin Timberlake took time off from music to indulge himself elsewhere.  He starred in major roles such as Shrek the Third and Friends with Benefits, hosted awards shows, making appearances on other's records, being good looking to many of his fans, golfing, and fighting off alien invaders.  I'm pretty sure that last part might not've been covered by the news, but I'm pretty sure it happened.  Now JT's back, with a whole new record and sounding fresher than ever.  With The 20/20 Experience, Justin proves that he has been missed, as the album hit number 1 on the Billboard 200, and is so far the most successful album of 2013 becoming the first album of the year to sell over a million copies.  How does the album work?  Well...

  Track 1: Pusher Love Girl
  The album starts out with a blast of classical music, which shortly jumps into JT's singing starting shortly after the little bit of fanfare.  Immediately the theme of the whole album becomes apparent.  This is a very soulful (officially classified neo-soul) and romantic album full of 7-8 minute long love ballads.  Whoever this girl that Justin Timberlake is romancing must be enjoying herself quite well from Justin Timberlake constantly showering her with an endless stream of compliments and seductive innuendos.  Perhaps one can say that JT likes to put on quite a show before getting busy, except here it seems that this woman is constantly complimented before  JT even starts charming her.  Take each song out of context and they each become romantic soulful songs that I'm sure many people will get intimate with.  For good reason of course, because each song makes it so obvious to how much effort went into making this album.  As for Pusher Love Girl, it also sets precedents that many songs after follow.  Classy openings, classy lyrics, and classy music.  However, Pusher Love Girl isn't just classy, but at around 5 minutes in, the songs remixes itself for the remainder of the song.  Also, JT uses many metaphors for sex throughout the album, and on Pusher Love Girl, he describes sex as a drug.  Definitely not too original, but it at least makes sense.  Pusher Love Girl ends off as a satisfying opening track, and sets the lights low and the standards for the rest of the album.

Track 2: Suit & Tie featuring Jay-Z
  Suit & Tie is the lead single from the album and has charted well.  It's pretty obvious as to what this song is about, wearing a suit & tie to go out to the town and be real classy while at the same time charming others.  However. Suit & Tie opens up with JT insulting his own tie!  So right off the bat he has stated that 1/2 of what is in the title is in horrible taste... Ignoring that, the song kicks itself into gears with the first verse that makes you just want to get up and be as classy as possible.  This is the theme song to classiness, why, I don't think any other song can be this classy.  Later in the song, who does JT bring to add even more class and style?  None other than Jay-Z who needs no introduction whatever.  Well, he is given an introduction by JT right before he starts his verse, and even though I'm not a huge fan of the music in Jay-Z's verse, he just hits you so hard with a violent surge of his classy personality that the song ends with the listener blown away by classiness.  When ever you want to be in a classy mood even if all you plan on doing is watching cartoons, then Suit & Tie will put you in the mood for just that.  The 20/20 Experience sells itself so well as being a love-making soulful classy album beginning with just the first two songs.  Because of this, I am already interested in everything else this album has to offer me.  So far, the first two don't disappoint, and the rest doesn't either, it's only going to get classier and more intimate from here on out.  By the way, Suit & Tie clocks in at 5:26 making it the second shortest song on the album.

Track 3: Don't Hold The Wall
  Don't stand against the wall, get out onto the dance floor and get classy and get busy.  Most of the songs in this album are pretty self-explanatory, but one of the coolest elements of this album is that when songs are seemingly 4 or 5 minutes, they end up becoming 7 or 8.  This would seem like just dragging out a song in order to make the album longer, but it actually works.  Why?  Because two words: soul and class, and like the other tracks on this album, Don't Hold the Wall is soulful and classy.  Don't hold the wall is one of the more ok songs of the album, but is filled with plenty of concrete music and experimentation to make itself seem more unique.  Not a bad song at all.

Track 4: Strawberry Bubblegum
  Strawberry Bubblegum provides another metaphor for sex.  In this case, the metaphor is not drugs, but rather candy.  Specifically, strawberry bubblegum.  While this may at first turn off me from being interested because strawberry bubblegum is one of the most basic forms of bubblegum and I'm more into crazy awesome flavors of gum, the song does change my at first narrow opinions.  It's romantic like crazy. This song is so romantic that it can turn a rock into Fabio's hair.  This song just melts anything it's so romantic.  Strawberry Bubblegum is another song that stops halfway and remixes itself, making it even more enjoyable.  One of the best songs on the album.

Track 5: Tunnel Vision
  I'm not much of a fan of the opening, which keeps repeating throughout the song.  The opening is some electric sounding voice saying I know you like it.  Despite that, the song is once again very satisfying and if it weren't for the random voice effects happening in the background, I'd call it one of the best on the album.  However, the random background noises just get too distracting for me sometimes.  I feel that at this point that JT and the woman that he's romancing are getting it on in the middle of a classical music bus stop.  After looking into the lyrics, it seems we get a better glimpse into the story of this album.  Tunnel vision... sounds a lot like a camera, right?  Who knows, maybe JT and his lady are going to be filming their... space adventures.

Track 6: Spaceship Coupe
  Another metaphor for sex in this album is space, played out in great detail in Spaceship Coupe.  Honestly, JT could make a geographical song for sex and it would work perfectly with the rest of this album at this point.  I believe that JT and his lady finally started getting intimate with this song, because there's a constant voice of a woman moaning which becomes more prevalent in the later parts of this song.  It also wouldn't surprise me if he needed to take her to the moon in order to get to it.  In all honesty, maybe JT just wants to charm a woman so much that she'll melt at his every movement.  In that case, JT once again proves to be an amazing charmer of the ladies once again.

Track 7: That Girl
  That Girl is surprisingly the shortest song on the album but still clocks in at 4:47.  I honestly don't know what to say.  It's classy, romantic, sincere, and fun.  However, the beginning, strangely enough begins with a sort of introduction for the song which seems mostly out of place taking place at the second half of the album.  Another great song to get intimate with, and the only main down side is that it does drag on a little at the end.

Track 8: Let The Groove Get In
  Let The Groove Get In is a lot more eclectic than the rest of the album (except Suit & Tie of course).  The track is, as Austin Powers would say, Groovy baby.  It also works as an effective throwback to the 60's and 70's soul and rock which is effectively what JT tried to do with this album.  It's fun, easy to dance to, and even funky.  This is for when the night gets even more wild than it already is.  This jam just makes you want to grab your trumpet, sousaphone, or triangle or whatever and jump right in to the fun.  Whenever you want to get up and get jamming in the classiest way possible; Let The Groove Get In is right for you.

Track 9: Mirrors
  Mirrors is the albums' second single, and has charted very well, just like Suit & Tie.  This makes perfect sense for me, because it's a very well produced and written song.  The meaning is rather obvious, that you're beautiful just the way you are, you're a part of me and I'm a part of you.  Once again, not the most original, but musically it's great, and JT does some of his best singing on this album.  Once again, Mirrors is another song that seems that it only really needs to be about 5 minutes.  However, the song is the longest, clocking in at 8:05.  During the second part, there's a voice that constantly says "You are the love of my life".  And of course it should be noted that JT is married, and it makes sense that several of these love songs are personal, and Mirrors is not an exception.  Mirrors is also about a couple reuniting together after a separation, which you don't see too often in music, and happened to JT and his wife, Jessica Biel.  JT explains how she's his mirror, always coming back to him and how they're now closer than ever.  Mirrors is one of the most beautiful songs on the album.

Track 10: Blue Ocean Floor
  The album ends with the slowest ballad on the album.  Not that that's a problem; it's the end of an album.  However, Blue Ocean Floor to me seems to be the time when everyone at a dance has left except the last two who hold each other ever so tightly.  It's a beautiful ending to a great album and has the listener feel like everything they heard, every event that happened in this wonderful night was not in vain, and that you will always have each other.  Truly moving.

  The 20/20 Experience isn't just a reference to going to the eye doctor.  No, because Justin Timberlake recently announced that he will be releasing a follow up album to the 20/20 Experience later this year.  The album is another installment in a trend that I am proud to see becoming a trend.  This is what I like to call the "Some Nights" trend, where an entire album represents an entire night out on the town and all of the interesting adventures or whatever else happens throughout an incredible night.  All while being incredibly classy.  So as I finish off here, as we dim the lights on all of you together tonight, The 20/20 Experience is the most beautiful, romantic, and classy album so far this year, and I can't wait to see what Justin Timberlake will follow up with later this year.

Verdict: The 20/20 Experience is one classy album that just listening to it will turn you into a class act yourself.  Final Score: 9/10.

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